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2nd Call for Projects - Doctorates and Researchers Category 
3rd Edition - 2021/2022

Applications Closed
Âncora 1


Access to an integrated Ecosystem of Innovation

Access to an integrated Ecosystem of Innovation


Access to an integrated Ecosystem of Innovation

Access to an integrated Ecosystem of Innovation


Doctorates and researcher’s category

1st Prize



Winning project:

Prize of an amount equivalent to

7,000 EUR

The winning project will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to

7,000 EUR

Comprised of: 

monetary gross amount of

2,000  EUR


5,000 euros

 in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance, business development and other relevant areas.

2nd Prize



2nd place project:

Prize of an amount equivalent to

3,500 EUR

The second placed project will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to

3,500 EUR

Comprised of: 

monetary gross amount of

1,000  EUR


2,500 euros

 in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance, business development and other relevant areas.

3rd Prize



3rd place project:

Prize of an amount equivalent to

1,000 EUR

The third placed project will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to

1,000 EUR

Comprised of: 

1,000 euros

 in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance, business development and other relevant areas.

Topics of the projects

INNCYBER - Call for Projects - 3rd Edition aims to promote the development of innovative projects with national and international impact, leveraging the capacity for innovation in cybersecurity and cyberdefence areas. The projects to be developed should focus on strategic areas of Cybersecurity and Cyberdefence, namely:

a) Security Automation:

- Mechanisms for testing vulnerabilities in implementations using Security-by-Design

b) Threat Modeling applied to IoT:

- Security mechanisms applicable to IoT communication, in terms of data protection


c) Threat Modeling applied to Networks:

- Identification of vulnerability testing mechanisms applied in 5G private network scenarios, based on OPEN-RAN and Edge Computing approaches

d) Critical Infrastructures and essential services protection;


e) Security and vulnerabilities in the 5G World;


f) Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning applied to cybersecurity;


g) Cloud Security;


h) Security-by-Design (SbD);


i) Cybersecurity Certification;


j) Cybersecurity Risk Management and Identification;

k) Quantum computing and cybersecurity;

l) Industry 4.0: OT and cybersecurity;


m) New strategies to address social engineering attacks;


n) Ethics & Human Element of Cybersecurity – bridging the gap between machines usage in cybersecurity and the human decision-maker;

o) Cyber Hygiene and GDPR: Training program for the dissemination of good practices among users;


p) Cybersecurity risks, awareness (marketing/communication plan);


q) Microeconomics applied to cybersecurity;



Doctorates and researcher’s category

 Projects developed by doctorates, doctorate students or researchers

The requirements to participate in Doctorates and Researchers category are:

  • Have a PhD/Doctorate degree; or

  • Attend in the present academic year (2021/2022) a PhD/Doctorate program; or

  • Be a researcher in a University, Institute or Research Center;


Deadline for project delivery: September 30th, 2022

Relevant phases

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