The conference had special participations from CALm. António Gameiro Marques, Dr. Marco Barros Lourenço, BGen. Ana Telha, Eng. Miguel Biscaia, Eng. Marcelo Rodrigues, Prof. Javier Jarauta Sánchez, Eng. Alcino Lavrador and Eng. José Alegria, who addressed relevant topics in Cybersecurity.
During the afternoon session, the Pitch Ceremony took place where it was possible to watch the Elevator Pitches of the Top 5 projects from Students and Professors and the Top 5 STARTUPS that competed in this edition of INNCYBER call for projects.
The session also featured the keynote speaker Mike Sigal, a Silicon Valley investor and mentor of Startups, who delivered a very interesting speech on the topic of “Where´s Smart Money Going In – Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & Web 3”.
Before the announcement of the winning projects, the official launch of the 2nd Edition of the CYBERSECURITY EXECUTIVE PROGRAM took place, with interventions by Prof. Luís Carriço (Dean of FCUL), that introduced the 2nd edition of the program that will start on February of 2023, and Fernando Braz de Oliveira who gave his feedback as a participant on the 1st Edition of the Cybersecurity Executive Program.
Telmo Vieira had an intervention on “Financial and Economic evaluation of Cybersecurity Investments”, to address why it is important to evaluate from an economic point of view Cybersecurity Investments in an organization.
We would like to thank all the participating groups for the presentations of their projects and give our congratulations to the finalist groups in the student’s category:
The winner in this category was Rúben André Barreiro and Profs António Ravara and André Souto from NOVA School of Science and Technology and Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa da University of Lisbon with the project “BKMPS22 Protocol”.
2nd place: Frédéric Bogaerts and Profs Naghmeh Ivaki and José Fonseca from Universidade de Coimbra and from the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda with the theme “VAITP – Vulnerability Attack and Injection Tool in Python”.
3rd place Mário Da Costa and Rodrigo Valente and Profs João Carlos Marques Silva and Maria Pinto-Albuquerque from ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa with “Inference Engine to Incident Response with Cyber Threat Intelligence”.
We would like to thank all the participating STARTUPS from Portugal, Spain, USA, UK, Estonia, Brazil, and India and give our congratulations to the finalists:
Winner: ETHIACK – ethically-driven security for the digital age, represented by André Baptista and Jorge Monteiro
2nd place: JSIO – IoT Hassle Free, represented by Ricardo Cardoso, Michael Kraft and Paulo Martins
3rd place: CleanCloud, represented by Henrique Vaz
Finally, we would like to thank all the participants and partners of INNCYBER Innovation HUB.