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2nd Call for Projects - Doctorates and Researchers Category 

Final Project Synthesis


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Access to an integrated Ecosystem of Innovation

Topics of the projects

The projects to be developed should focus on strategic areas of digital transformation, cybersecurity and cyberdefense, namely:

1. Security and vulnerabilities in the 5G World;

2. Internet of Things (IoT);

3. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning applied to cybersecurity;

4. Cloud security;

5. Security by Design (SbD);

6. Industry 4.0 and cybersecurity;

7. New strategies to address social engineering attacks;

8. Ethics & Human Element of Cybersecurity: bridging the gap between machines usage in cybersecurity and the human decision-maker;

9. Cyber ​​Hygiene and GDPR: Training program for the dissemination of good practices among users

10. Microeconomics applied to cybersecurity;

11. Quantum computing and security;

12. Development of an app for INNCYBER Innovation HUB;

13. Business plan for the internationalization of INNCYBER Innovation HUB;

14. Empowerment of the Open Innovation platform in scope of INNCYBER Innovation HUB;

15. INNCYBER Innovation HUB: improving hub facilities and attracting talent;

16. INNCYBER Innovation HUB: strategic plan for building an integrated network of Innovation Hubs;

17. INNCYBER Innovation HUB: innovative business models for the sharing economy;

18. Marketing plan to promote cybersecurity literacy in the general population or in a specific population group (senior
population, less educated population, youngsters and children;

19. Marketing campaigns (e.g. mailing) and social engineering: the impact of phishing;

20. Communication plan for secure teleworking;

21. Social networks and digital security;

22. Security-by-design in digital marketing;

23. Innovative business models for the sharing economy in the digital transformation, cybersecurity and IoT areas;

24. Communication plan for improving cooperation, information exchange, incident response and trust building among CSIRTs;

25. Products/services to be developed in the scope of INNCYBER Digital Transformation, Cyber IoT HUB.



Individual or group participation.

The requirements to participate in Doctorates and Researchers category are:

  • Have a PhD/Doctorate degree; or

  • Attend in the present academic year (2020/2021) a PhD/Doctorate program; or

  • Be a researcher in a University, Institute or Research Center;

Doctorates and researcher’s category

 Projects developed by doctorates, doctorate students or researchers

Project Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of the projects will be based on the following aspects:

− Clear definition of the project’s objective;

− Methodology applied in the development of the project (the use of the Canvas 
Model is valued, although it is not mandatory);

− Innovation and Creativity;

− Adaptation of the project to the topics of INNCYBER – Digital Transformation, 
Cyber & IOT Innovation Award;

− Implementation viability;

− Robustness of the product, service or solution proposed;Regulation INNCYBER - DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, CYBER & IOT Innovation HUB

− Business model (including economic viability of the project);

− Project implementation plan;

− Project presentation (formal report);

− Elevator Pitch performed on the day of the Award Ceremony



Registration deadline:  July 9th, 2021

Deadline for project delivery: September 7th , 2021

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