Cybersecurity & cyberdefense as critical areas for promoting stability and economic growth
Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 - Afternoon
Air Force Academy, Sintra
In-person or online
14:00 - Online and in presence reception of participants
14:15 - Opening speech
BGen. Armando Barros (Director of Air Force Communications and Information Systems)
14:30 - Intervention: Prof. Telmo Vieira (Managing Partner at PremiValor Consulting)
14:45 - Jury presentation
14:55 - Presentation of the most voted video
15:00 - 2-min. Elevator Pitch (TOP 10 + 1 project with most voted video)
15:30 - KENYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Marco Lourenço (Team Leader of Knowledge & Innovation at European Union Agency for Cybersecurity - ENISA)
15:40 - Break
16:00 - Intervention ALTICE
16:05 - Intervention EDP
16:10 - Intervention ALTICE LABS
16:15 - Intervention PWC
16:20 - 5-min. Elevator Pitch (TOP 5) Students Category
16:45 - Elevator Pitch PhD/Researchers Category
17:15 - Break
17:30 - Winning projects award announcement
TGen. João Cartaxo Alves (Chief of Air Force Logistic Command)
Eng.º José Alegria (Chief Security Office at ALTICE Portugal)
Eng.º Paulo Moniz (Director - Information Security and IT Risk at EDP)
Eng.º Alcino Lavrador (Director of Technology Coordination and Innovation at Altice LABS)
Dr. Marcelo Rodrigues (Director of Cybersecurity & Privacy at PWC Portugal)
Prof. Telmo Vieira (Managing Partner at PremiValor Consulting)
17:40 - Closing speech
TGen. João Cartaxo Alves (Chief of Air Force Logistics Command)
*To be confirmed
Chief of Air Force Logistic Command
Portuguese Air Force Logistics Commander;
Was the Deputy Director of the National Defense Resources Directorate at the MoD;
National representative in NATO Logistics Committee, in NATO Resource Policy and Planning Board and in the LongTerm Review of the European Defense Agency. (2018/2019);
Managing Partner at PremiValor Consulting
Lecturer at ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics and Management - University of Lisbon
President of the Supervisory Board of a bank operation specially in the digital market
Mentor and Investor in Start-ups in different phases, early stage and growing stage
Marco Barros Lourenco is a technology strategist, futurist, and cybersecurity researcher with more than two decades of experience in international organisations on three different continents.
Marco worked for more than a decade as a CISO for an EU diplomatic missions and as a Senior Manager for the United Nations and Microsoft Corporation, where he defined strategies in the areas of public sector modernization, information security and risk management for 14+ governments.
He joined the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in 2018 as a Senior Expert and has been leading the Agency Research and Innovation Team for the past year.
Marco has published several articles and research papers in the areas of threat intelligence, cyber risk management and cybersecurity innovation and is one of the founders of the European Cyber Threat Intelligence Community (CTI-EU).
In his role as Senior Manager, Marco also contributes to the Agency's work in the areas of foresight, market and certification and represents the Agency in the European Cyber Security Competence Centre (ECCC)
Chief Security Office at ALTICE Portugal
Chief Security Officer at Altice Portugal;
Worldwide coordinator of the CyberWatch Program at the Altice Group;
Member of European Cybercrime Center (EC3) Advisory Group on Communication Providers at EUROPOL;
Over 15 years of experience in the application of advanced software technology to cyber intelligence and cybersecurity;
General Director of Altice Labs, Innovation and Technological Development Centre of the Altice Group.
Led important projects in Africa and Brazil, supporting the internationalisation of Portugal Telecom and PT Inovação
Holds positions in several institutions related to innovation and ICT
Director of Cybersecurity & Privacy at PwC Portugal
Cybersecurity Coordinator at Risk Assurance Services in PwC
10+ years of experience in IT audit and Cybersecurity
Experienced programmer and Linux system administrator
CISM, CISA certifications
Main areas of focus: Pentesting, Cybersecurity incidents, Risk Analysis, Regulatory Compliance